The experience of driving during winter is different from all other seasons. It's tough, to say the least. The fog, icy roads, heavy snow, freezing temperatures, to mention but a few, make driving such a daunting task. However, all is not lost. You can still do something about it. This article is to help you prepare better.
Driving Tips During Winter
Clean Your Windshield
Your windshield will frequently get iced during winter. If you do not clean it, you will have a hard time driving. You will also be putting your life at risk and that of the other road users because your visibility is poor. Use an ice scrapper to clean your windshield. If you don't have it, use a credit card or something similar. You can also pour tap water on the windshield using a hosepipe to melt the ice away.
Turn Your Headlights On
Visibility is a big deal during winter because of the rain and fog. For a better visibility, turn on your headlights even during the day. That way you can see the road, and other cars will see you hence safer driving.
What Is the Weather Forecast?
Before you get out of your home, find out what is expected of the day's weather. That way, you will prepare better or even choose a different mode of transport.
Do Not Speed
When you drive slowly, you are in better control of your car. You can also regain control quickly in case of anything and can respond better to hazards.
Car Maintenance for The Winter Drive
A keen driver in a poorly maintained car does not make any difference when it comes to road safety. Below are some important maintenance tips to keep your vehicle on top of the game before winter finally kicks in.
Check Your Tires
The tires carry the car's weight and thus need good care. Ensure they have good traction; this way, it's easier to deal with dangerous road situations. If your tire treads don't have sufficient depth, get new ones. Also, ensure they have enough pressure. Freezing temperatures lower your tires' pressure, and before you know it, you could be stranded in the middle of nowhere with deflated tires. Fill the pressure to the recommended levels. Tires with good pressure also last longer and save you from high fuel consumption.
Fix Your Car's Lights
Before you leave your home or office during winter, make sure your headlights are in perfect shape. You might not fully rely on the sun's light in winter because darkness sets in early. Fix any broken or malfunctioning head and fog bulbs before winter. Also, clear any snow that might be covering the lights. Remember you can replace the headlights if they don't work as expected.
Replace The Coolant
Your car coolant keeps your engine from freezing in extremely cold winter temperatures. Ensure the coolant has ant freezing properties, is enough, and it is not leaking.
Take Care of Your Windshield Wipers
You need your windshield wipers to keep your windshield clear and clean for a safe driving experience. Replace them regularly, especially before winter. You may need them during an unexpected ice storm or when a driver in a hurry splashes mud on your windshield.
Are you bracing for the winter? Bring your car to our reputable auto repair shop in Fort Collins today! We will do all the necessary maintenance for you and advise you on the car issues that have been giving you headache for some time now.