Posted on 4/26/2017

In Colorado we experience true seasons, and so do our cars. Like buying a coat for winter, seasonal maintenance helps prepare your vehicle for the ever-changing elements, thereby extending its life. “It takes very little time and money to make sure your car runs properly throughout the year and although breakdowns happen, they can definitely be minimized by taking a few extra preventive steps,” Rich White, director of Car Care Council. Our Seasonal Car Care Specials are designed for car service in Fort Collins and are ready to handle all of your car maintenance needs for each season of the year. They are a worry-free way to keep you on the road longer. Spring Dust, pollen, allergies, and rain are common themes that affect both you and your vehicle in the spring. This season is also a great time to prepare your vehicle for summer’s heat. What to be aware of come ... read more
Posted on 4/11/2016

While not quite there, our shop is well on the way towards being…paperless! Community Auto is always super excited to rock new technologies so I thought I’d share with you our exciting avant-garde, the Digital Automotive Inspection! Just like a physical exam from your doctor, technicians are trained to inspect a vehicle’s health in a bumper-to-bumper fashion, assessing the the health and safety of various parts and components and recording their findings in a way you’ll understand. They procedurally go over the vehicle, checking belts, hoses, fluids, tires, suspension, etc. and inspect for any issues or soon-to-be issues. In the past, technicians used paper forms to record their findings, leaving greasy fingerprints on the forms and hard-to-read sloppy handwriting (to the defense of mechanics everywhere, going directly from turning a wrench to writing with a little pen is dexterous!). But luckily for us ... read more