Posted on 4/11/2016
While not quite there, our shop is well on the way towards being…paperless! Community Auto is always super excited to rock new technologies so I thought I’d share with you our exciting avant-garde, the Digital Automotive Inspection! Just like a physical exam from your doctor, technicians are trained to inspect a vehicle’s health in a bumper-to-bumper fashion, assessing the the health and safety of various parts and components and recording their findings in a way you’ll understand. They procedurally go over the vehicle, checking belts, hoses, fluids, tires, suspension, etc. and inspect for any issues or soon-to-be issues. In the past, technicians used paper forms to record their findings, leaving greasy fingerprints on the forms and hard-to-read sloppy handwriting (to the defense of mechanics everywhere, going directly from turning a wrench to writing with a little pen is dexterous!). But luckily for us ... read more