Posted on 10/29/2022
Have you heard that annoying sound coming from your car when you brake? That is probably not because your car is haunted. It is more likely that something in the braking system has gone awry—and it is time to bring your car in for inspection and repairs. What Causes The Vibration And Shuddering Sound When Breaking? The most common cause of a shuddering sound when braking is warped brake rotors. Brake rotors are the large metal discs that sit at either end of your car's wheels and help slow it down as you press on the pedal. They are also massive heat sinks, meaning they absorb a lot of energy from friction between them and the pads that press against them to create friction and slow down your vehicle. When this friction heats up the rotors too much, they warp just like any other piece of metal would when heated too much—and when they warp, they begin vibrating under pressure from your brakes. This vibrating creates an audible noise as well as a sensation that feels l ... read more