Posted on 5/20/2016
Shopping around for automotive repair is much like shopping for anything else, right? There’s many factors to consider: price, quality, convenience, etc. It’s one thing to seek out the best burger in town; maybe ask a few people and try a few places to get there. It’s also appropriate to investigate options for, say, your next sinus surgery. You wouldn’t, however, call all the burger joints and surgeons in town, ask how much the burger or surgery costs, then go with the one that tells you the cheapest price, right? Or maybe you would. I don’t know. But let’s assume we agree it’s a bad idea to make an important decision, one that costs you taste buds or money, via a mere phone conversation convincing you of the cheapest price. Oddly, this frequently happens when people choose who to have fix their car. I get it. You’re just wondering how much a certain repair will cost so you figure you’ll call a few shops, see how much they’l ... read more