Posted on 6/8/2021

Many adults can drive safely well past their 70s, 80s, and beyond. However, seniors are linked to various physical challenges related to aging that can interfere with driving. It is so important for older drivers - and the people who care for them, such as family and friends - to evaluate and spread these helpful tips to keep them safer on the road. The following tips are general tips and resources for safe drivers (for any age group)! TIPS FOR SAFE, OLDER DRIVERS Mute your cell phone before operating the vehicle - Texting or talking while driving is one of the most common distractions while being on the road. Leave your cell phone on "Do Not Disturb" and away from your surroundings while you're driving. Always wear a seat belt - This one should be a no-brainer, considering 49 out of 50 states enforce it as a law to be buckled in every time you get in a vehicle. If it is uncomfortable, adjust the shoulder mount or purchase a pad that s ... read more